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The Reimagining Power Project (RPP) - A Progress Update

December 03
The Reimagining Power Project (RPP) was launched with the goal of exploring how emerging web3 technologies can be leveraged to redistribute power, mobilize capital, and transform systems toward more equitable outcomes. Focusing on decentralized governance models, the project aims to test new ways of coordinating resources and decision-making to promote social equity, sustainability, and community empowerment.
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Slow Study Storytelling Stories: We Are Transformed By What We Seek To Transform

March 21
Burnout. This is where I will start today. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines burnout as “a syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterised by three dimensions:
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Building DAOs as scalable networks

February 18
Rowan is a contributor to SuperBenefitDAO and works on scalable models of coordination and fractal DAO governance. Much thanks goes to @Lewwwk & @Philcockfield who contributed important insights to this article. This is the fifth in our series exploring DAOs as networks and is grounded in practical work that SuperBenefit is doing on governance design in web3. Thank you to @rathermercurial and Ananth (@plaintextbread) for their partnership on the designs this article maps.
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The Messy Middle: Exploring the intersections of Systems Transformation and Web3

January 16
To lose one’s way does not necessarily mean that one is lost.
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Going DAOnwind: DAOs are like Water

September 27
At its core, water is life. At their core, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) are the essence of society. There is no “right” state for them both to be in, as they take the shape and form of whichever vessel best suits their conditions and purposes.
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Going DAOnwind: DAOs are like Planetary Systems

September 20
The universe is an exponentially expanding spectacle with never-ending potential for organized chaos governed by the rules of physics. DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) are similar, except they’re governed by the rules of democracy.
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Going DAOnwind: DAOs are like Starling Murmurations

September 13
What happens when you incentivize synonymous purpose for collaboration? You get a decentralized autonomous organization. And a starling murmuration.
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Minimum Viable Permissionless-ness

August 25
Rowan is a contributor to SuperBenefitDAO and works on scalable models of coordination and fractal DAO governance. Gratitude to Michael Lewkowitz for contributing to this article and for his deep insight and belief in the possibility of Web3. This article is the fourth in our series exploring the concept of DAOs as networks and their evolutionary nature.
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Governance for better futures Insights from conversation #3: 'New and Old'

@SuperBenefitDAO has convened a series of conversations to explore how governance is evolving and its role in accelerating transitions to better futures.